Make a plane with your own hands out of a matchbox. How to make a plane from a plastic bottle with your own hands

  1. DIY craft a plastic bottle DIY: fuselage
  2. Wings
  3. Propeller and tail fin
  4. Additional details
  5. Making a simple paper airplane
  6. Airplane with a heavy paper rocket

Loving parents never refuse to make a toy together with their own offspring. Even if the money is enough for regular trips to the toy store, the same plane from plastic bottle with your own hands will delight the baby more than the purchased one. In addition, these crafts are a good developmental training for the child. And besides, it creates stronger ties between parents and descendants, strengthening mutual understanding and trust. And since it is very easy to make an airplane from a plastic bottle with your own hands, you can even involve the youngest child in the creation process. Naturally, controlling his handling of sharp objects and helping in case of difficulties.

DIY craft a plastic bottle DIY: fuselage

The basis of the whole structure will be a bottle per liter and a half. It is better to take a container from under household fluids, for example, from under the shampoo. First, her plastic is more dense and will not crease. Secondly, it is opaque, which will give the aircraft more credibility. Thirdly, both paints and adhesives are better placed on plastic from non-potable products.

Preparation of the fuselage is to make slots under the wings on the sides, and in the thick part - under the shank. If you want to make a plastic bottle with your own hands more vivid and convincing, you can paint the case with acrylic paints (they are better kept on plastic), glue with foil or wrap it with strips of colored tape / electrical tape. If desired, a hole can be made from above, in which the pilot - a small doll or a toy animal - will then be placed.
Preparation of the fuselage is to make slots under the wings on the sides, and in the thick part - under the shank


The plane of the aircraft can be made in two ways. First, cut them out from another bottle. To do this, you need to choose the capacity of the oval section - then the wings will not bend either up or down. Secondly, you can make them out of cardboard, and this option seems to us more successful: it is easier to work with this material, and its coloring will not exactly deliver grief to the kid. The wings can be made separate and inserted into the slots in turn. But then there is a risk of their regular loss, so it is better to miss them with sealant at the entrance. And you can make a single plane, then you do not have to worry about fixing.

Propeller and tail fin

For the propeller, you must first make a sketch. The cork is screwed from the bottle and the neck is outlined on paper. Describing the cork is a mistake, because it must fix the propeller on the plane, that is, the hole must be smaller. Then three or three rounded or slanted blades are drawn. The cut out propeller is put on the neck of the bottle and pressed against the cork.

For keel, double-sided cardboard is taken or two sheets are glued together, since it must be painted on all sides. The shank is usually made of three parts: one vertical and two horizontal. The dimensions of all elements must be at least three times smaller than the wingspan. The finished keel is inserted into the intended place, and the plane from a plastic bottle with its own hands can be considered ready. A child, if he is enthusiastic, can color his favorite parts or draw stars on the wings and keel.
For keel, double-sided cardboard is taken or two sheets are glued together, since it must be painted on all sides

Additional details

Not lazy adults can give even greater credibility to the craft and increase its functionality in the game. You just need to inspect the available machines: for sure there is at least one that is broken or lost the interest of the child. With it you need to remove a pair of wheels with the axle. At the bottom of the fuselage, a hot through hole is pierced with a hot spoke, into which the axle is inserted. It will remain to put on the wheels - and the child will be able to roll the plane from a plastic bottle with his own hands on the floor.

It will be useful for parents to know how to make a plane out of cardboard, as this is a wonderful way for co-constructing handicrafts with children, especially with boys.

All boys love a variety of military and construction equipment, especially if it is on wheels and can be carried on the floor. Toys that are given to the child, sooner or later break. However, the child can learn to appreciate the gifts if he makes the toy himself.

For creative activities you can use different materials and shapes, but let's look at how to make a plane out of cardboard.

Let's look at the version of the model of the aircraft, made in the technique of quilling. Quilling is a technique for shaping spiraling, twisted pieces of paper. It should be noted that this process is very laborious, requires accuracy and will take considerable time.

Photos 1-4. Colorful corrugated aircraft.

A plane made of cardboard using the hands in the technique of quilling will require the preparation of the following materials:

  • corrugated cardboard of various shades;
  • gun with glue;
  • sharp scissors.

Getting to the creation of the airplane. Take corrugated sheets of blue color and cut them into strips, the width of which should be 1 cm. First of all we make the fuselage crafts from several twisted strips. It is necessary to twist 2 circles as in photo number 1, and pull the strips out of the core so that they are of different sizes (photo number 2). Then they are glued together among themselves for the top paper strips.

The wings of the corrugated aircraft are made of 3 strips of paper. Cover one side with glue and form an elongated triangle. In order for the wings not to disintegrate, during the drying of the glue, it is necessary to fasten them with a clothespin, as shown in photo No. 3. Using exactly the same steps, we make the tail parts of the aircraft, but only from 1 paper strip.

We stock the dark blue chassis from 1 strip of paper. Also an integral part of the aircraft means are the propeller and the cockpit. The cockpit for the pilot can be made of yellow paper: wind the 2 strips of corrugations and lightly give it a volume. When the components are ready, glue them with a gun to the fuselage. The final version of the corrugated aircraft shown in photo number 4.

Making a simple paper airplane

Many in childhood made a lot of paper airplanes and ships, which were allowed on the first melted streams of snow. In order to make a simple airplane, you will need a paper sheet, both hands and the observance of five simple steps. A child will have transcendental joy and delight if the finished handicraft will fly.

You can make a simple model of the aircraft from any paper or cardboard. You can see such crafts in any school, as schoolchildren make them from simple exercise books.

In order for the baby to become interested in this work, it is necessary to prepare a bright colored paper , from her the airplane will seem more spectacular. You can also offer your child to paint the plane, for this you will need paints, pencils, markers and markers.

To achieve a good flight, you can strengthen the nose. If you master the whole sequence of making simple airplanes with your child, you can build a more complex structure.

It is possible to carry out these models from two-ton paper. If you want to give and emphasize the complexity of the design, the use of monochrome paper is best suited. Well, how to make a simple children's plane, show the scheme number 1-10.

Airplane with a heavy paper rocket

Airplane with a heavy paper rocket

Photo 5. Paper plane with a rocket.

This version of making an aircraft with a rocket will help you remember and teach your child the names. geometric shapes (cylinder, cone and trapezium).

How to make a plane with a rocket, consider after we prepare all the necessary materials:

  • a roll of paper towels or toilet paper;
  • multi-colored paint;
  • well sharpened scissors;
  • cardboard sheets;
  • thick paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • narrow adhesive tape

It is necessary to cut with the help of scissors 2 trapezium of the same size. They can be made from an old cardboard box.

Take a ruler and in the middle, draw a vertical strip with a pencil or pen. On each of the cut out trapeziums, it is necessary to make cuts, they are made from above and below on one of the trapezoids. In the case of very dense cardboard, cuts can be made wider.

Further it is necessary to make some additional cuts. They must match the level of the cylinder. The length of the cuts is from 1 to 1.5 cm. The next step is to join the trapezoid between them. Slide the trapezium over each other due to the cut holes.

Make a small cone out of thick paper, you can fix it with glue. Apply paint to all formed parts and let it dry. After collect them, and get a rocket. In order to make it a plane, attach the chassis of the buttons and attach the wings.

The buttons are attached with a wire that is inserted into the base of the cylinder and twists inside. Holes in a dense cardboard can be made with a needle, to expand them with a toothpick. It turns out here are such flying vehicles, as shown in the photo №5.

All variants of the aircraft to make their own easy and simple. Interest your child with the creation of flying equipment, for sure it will be interesting and informative.

Good luck in your endeavors!