Home manicure. How to make a beautiful manicure at home.
How to make a manicure yourself
This type of manicure is called classic, edged or Russian. Its feature is in the mechanical removal of the cuticle. To do it at home, you need a standard manicure set or individual manicure tools:
- spatula to push back the cuticle;
- scissors with rounded ends to remove the cuticle;
- scissors with straight ends for cutting nails;
- tweezers;
- nail file.
Home manicure as in the salon is carried out in several stages, performed in a certain sequence:
1. A cotton swab and nail remover removes the old coating.
2. The nail is given the desired shape (almond-shaped, rounded, square) and length. Scissors with straight ends cut off the corners of the nail plate and shorten it to the desired length. Then the edge of the nail is processed by sawing. Filing should be carried out according to the rules. It is produced from the outer edges of the nail to its center. Manicure spatula or spatula gently move the cuticle to the base of the nail.
3. In order to remove the cuticle painlessly, it needs to be softened. For which, the tips of the fingers of both hands are dipped into warm water for five minutes. In the water, you can add a special emollient or sea salt - to strengthen the nail plate.
4. After five to seven minutes one hand, with which they begin to make a manicure, it is necessary to remove and dry out of the water with a towel.
5. Scissors with rounded ends cut the cuticle, starting from the side, smoothly moving to the base of the nail, and then to the other side. It is necessary to try to cut off the skin with one continuous line so that, when growing, it does not form a burr at the points of bursting. To avoid injury, scissors should be pressed closer to the nail.
6. After removing the cuticle, proceed to the processing of the side roller. For what use tweezers or nippers. They carefully cut off the delicate skin, trying to capture the area located closer to the nail plate. You need to act fairly carefully so as not to suffice the excess and not to hurt yourself. The side roller is machined on both sides. Having finished with one hand, proceed to the other.
7. Nails must be prepared for coating. They are well dried and polished with a special nail file, if there is a need for it, for example, there are roughness or grooves.
8. Before applying the varnish must be mixed. Do not shake it, because small bubbles may form, it is better to warm the bottle in your hands and roll in your palms. The first layer is applied base. This is not necessary, but desirable. Further, when the base is dry, in two layers - decorative lacquer. Do not immediately brush on a lot of varnish. It needs just enough to cover one nail.
Smears put with the accurate movements from the basis to the center, a thin layer. To keep the varnish longer, a fixer can be applied to the decorative coating.
How to make a home gradient manicure
Gradient manicure is applied on the treated nails. In fact, this application of several colors of varnish on the nail plate, which form the original and beautiful coating. Such a manicure looks very impressive and is easily done. For a gradient manicure you will need:
- two or three shades of lacquer in harmony in color;
- a piece of foam rubber;
- lacquer base;
- lacquer fixer;
- cotton buds;
- nail polish remover.
1. The base is applied on the nail plate. It will make the nail more smooth and protect from yellowness. You can use any base - ordinary, mineral or "Smart enamel."
2. Next, select the desired shades of varnishes that will be used during application. If the selected shades are very light, they can pre-cover the entire nail, so that the manicure appears brighter.
3. Now we need a sponge. It can be both a sponge and a sponge for washing dishes. From which a small piece is cut off - 5-7 centimeters long and about the width of a fingernail. With the help of a brush, colored varnishes are applied to it, placing specks in a thick layer vertically - one after another, in the order in which you want to see them on the nail. First, the darkest tone is applied, then the middle, final row is the lightest. The optimal number of shades is two to three, but sometimes more. Stencil ready, ahead of the most crucial moment. Make sure the varnish does not have time to grab on the sponge.
4. Press the sponge with varnish to the nail plate. If the varnish on the sponge is applied too thin, then it is not quite clearly imprinted on the nail. Not to worry. Because the drawing still needs to be shaded with pressing movements, i.e. Attach a sponge to the nail plate several times. Also treat varnish and other fingers.
5. In the process of shading, lacquer necessarily fall on the skin. It is easy to remove with a cotton swab and removal fluid.
6. The manicure is ready, it remains to apply a layer of lacquer-fixer. It can be replaced with varnish with sparkles or the effect of glossy shine.
Other color combinations can be made using the same technology, for example, red-yellow-orange, lilac-blue, cherry-pink, etc.
Home manicure: useful tips
When performing manicure yourself, you must follow simple recommendations. They will avoid possible unpleasant moments, make your hands even more beautiful, and your nails stronger.
1. Do not forget about hygiene. It is necessary to disinfect manicure accessories. Even if you use them only. Sterilizing is not necessary, but rubbing with alcohol before a manicure is not superfluous.
2. Before applying color lacquers, especially dark tones, the nail plate must be covered with a protective layer of the base. This will protect the nail from yellowing.
3. If the nail plate is uneven, has tubercles or grooves, it should be processed with a grinding file. Then you can polish with a suede cloth. Before polishing the nails should be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, the nail plate will exfoliate. If the nails are longitudinal or transverse grooves, it signals a health problem. Longitudinal talk about the lack of vitamins in the body and possible problems with the intestines, the cross is often formed after a long diet or illness.
4. If your nails are brittle, they should be treated. For some time you need to abandon the use of colored enamel, and instead cover your nails with a colorless varnish with vitamin B5 or calcium. The varnish is applied in two to three layers in order to obtain a protective film of optimum thickness. When brittle and brittle nails should be abandoned metal files. They are replaced by fine-grained rubber, plastic or cardboard.
5. Periodically, nails need rest and recovery. At this time, they refuse decorative lacquers, and they make wellness procedures for their nails: make masks, baths, smear them with a special cream. To strengthen the nail plate, it is necessary to rub olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice. You can make fifteen minute baths. A large spoonful of sea salt is stirred in a glass of warm water, to which is added five droplets of iodine. Then the tips of the fingers are lowered into the bath.
6. Do not forget about the hands. They also require care. Agree, it is not quite aesthetically pleasing to look beautiful manicure on hands with pimples or cracked, flaky skin. Therefore, they must be daily lubricated with cream, and when washing dishes wear protective gloves.